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Email Notification

Post A Ministry Job For 3 Months - $29.95

Email Notification

If you would like for us to email you whenever a job is posted with Ministry Well which meets your criteria, fill out the form below.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is it difficult to post a ministry job on The Ministry Well?

It is very easy to post a ministry job on our site. You do not need to have an account or a password. There is an online form which you fill in the fields with your information. When you are finished entering your information you simply click the submit button and we take it from there.

How long does it take before job postings are listed on The Ministry Well?

Job postings are typically listed within 3 days. Once your listing has been posted you will receive an email confirming this.

How long can I post a ministry job on The Ministry Well?

We post ministry jobs for a period of three months. After three months your listing will be disabled automatically.

Do we need to contact The Ministry Well when we are no longer taking applications?

When you fill out the online form you will have the option to fill in an expiration date. If you provide us with an expiration date we will automatically remove your job posting on that day. If you do not provide us with an expiration date then your listing will remain for the entire three months unless you contact us and tell us to remove it.