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Ministry Resumes

Submit Your Resume

Use the form below to submit your resume. Churches will use the information submitted in the form to filter resumes, so filling out as many fields as possible will greatly help your resume being returned in a search. For example if you do not select a denomination, if a church searches only for SBC resumes your resume will not be returned through their search.

Contact Information

Determine Your Fit

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File Uploads

Upload your photo to appear with your listing. Max size 2mb.
Upload your Resume file to appear with your listing

Sermon Videos

ONLY YouTube or Vimeo videos - NO other source of video will be accepted. You MUST submit individual videos - NOT a playlist or channel.

Video 1

Please test the url
Church, Location, Date, etc

Video 2

Please test the url
Church, Location, Date, etc

Video 3

Please test the url
Church, Location, Date, etc